“Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation.”
– Margaret Chase Smith


The United States National Defense Force Support Command (USNDFSCOM) was organized as a non-militia military style, a top-down decision, under the command structure in emergency response to save lives; thus, has been providing members and communities with the training and education needed to combat potential local domestic terrorist threats, natural disasters, and other emergency situations.

Main Purposes of the USNDFSCOM
The purposes of United States National Defense Force Support Command are exclusively allowed for organizations defined under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, within the limits to do the following:

  1. To promote and facilitate the training and education of proper emergency preparedness protocols for fires, floods, earthquakes, terrorist threats, and electromagnetic pulse.
    These protocols are meant for the general public and are in alignment with the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other Emergency Management agency courses.
  2. To organize members to relay the training they receive to citizens of their local communities through individual or group studies and seminar programs.
  3. To conduct final military honors to veterans who have served this country with honor, dignity, and bravery, and other individuals who request the services.
  4. To establish, in this effort, in each State one or more Divisions that is/are dedicated to educating local communities about proper emergency preparedness. These Divisions are made and organized by volunteer citizens and veterans. All courses are free of charge to all members and citizens in all communities.
  5. To help make the citizens of each community safer from all disasters and better prepared to deal with acts of terrorism.
  6. To save lives and help make the United States of America a stronger and more secure nation for all its citizens.

Soldier salutes

The USNDFSCOM will continue to work within the legal framework and strengthen membership recruitment efforts to measure up to the mission as embraced to: (1) prepare communities to handle emergency and disastrous situations by supporting the US Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Agencies, State and local emergency programs and (2) honor veterans who have served this country with honor, dignity, and bravery. In the next two years – 2010-2012 Strategic Plan and beyond as an organization, we are moving forward to fully deploy our mission by examining both strengths and opportunities with Quality Improvement, and explore a way to having the power to influence others to make the difference as bestowed in the mission.

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